Saturday, June 26, 2010

On "St." Ignatius of Antioch

This is the very first "early church father" we shall look at. The most horrendous thing the Christian church has done with these people is assume that in some manner, Paul was establishing a new system that these guys followed through with. To the contrary however. Paul as we have seen time and time again, often promotes the Torah. So it is a horrendous matter for one to draw from the church father writings as if they were to provide us more insight as to how the early church functioned. As we will see, these church writers teach AGAINST what Yeshua and Paul teach, thus steering the Christian church into the wrong direction.

Ignatius is one of the most important to the Orthodox Christian church because of their belief that the centerfold of the church was in Antioch, and thus begins the anti-semitism within the church. We will see that this was not the original church, but something that stemmed out of a paganistic culture that mixed Christian identity within its roots.

Ignatius (35-107 C.E.) is considered a disciple of John by the Orthodox Christian movement. Oddly enough it is not documented anywhere that he ever met John, nor that he ever personally studied under him. It is rather more documented that he established a Greek philosophical version of the Christian religion as it has now become today. Ignatius did not make a distinction between the Jews as anything but legalists and Judaizers, despite the fact that in Acts, there are 10,000s of Jew who were Messianic during the time period. He also despised the observance of the Shabbat, even though it was commanded by God that all follow it forever in the Tanakh, and instead favored Ishtar's "Lord's day" which was Sunday as it has come to be today. Ignatius also promoted the "infallibility of the church" and a "universal church." Ignatius instituted a Hellinistic autocratic mindset within the church. It is he who has termed the words "deacon" "presbyter" and "bishop" as they were under a separate category of people with Yeshua-like abilities and authority. His nickname was "Theophorus" as he gave to himself, which means "the God-bearer." Ignatius believed "without the bishop's supervision, no baptisms or love feasts were permitted" and he also instituted the concept of "the virginal Mary" and the eternal virgin mother of God. Many wonder what is wrong with this? Nothing except for this matches with Roman paganism, and the ideology of Zeus having an eternal mother that reigned in a sense over him. So we can piece together that this practice is one of paganism, and was discouraged by Rav Shaul when writing to the Romans.

Ignatius has some interesting writings to 4 distinct groups of people in particular; the Magnesians, the Philadelphians, the Smyrnaeans and Polycarp. To the Magnesians he writes "4"2-3 even as some person have the bishop's name on their lips, but in everything act apart from him. Such men appear to me not to keep a good conscience, forasmuch as they do not assemble themselves together lawfully according to commandment."

This doesn't sound too bad at first glance. The only problem is that the commandment he is referring to is the commandment of the hierarchy as it has been taught to the Orthodox churches. This began the Neo-platonic cycle within churches that can even be seen further within the writings of other so-called "church fathers" such as one of the guys I used to follow and adore as a Christian Apologist, "St." Augustine. I think some of his stuff is still good, but generally speaking, we can commit most of his stuff to the flames as sophistry.

Ignatius continues in 8:1-8:2. "Be not seduced by strange doctrines nor by antiquated fables, which are profitless. For if even unto this day, we live after the manner of Judaism, we avow that we have not received grace." An interesting teaching since Yeshua promoted the teachings of Judaism. What does he state about those who do not follow the Torah? They should be considered least in the kingdom of heaven. Ignatius also seems to have misunderstood that grace was also taught in the Tanakh in some of his writings and that it is an invented concept in the Brit Hadashah. Those who have studied further, such as my brothers and sisters in the Messianic movement know better.

Going now to 9:1 "If then those who had walked in ancient practices attained unto newness of hope, no longer observing sabbaths, but fashioning their lives after the Lord's day." This is interesting since both Yeshua and Paul, as well can be said for the rest of the New Testament writers taught that the Shabbat should be followed as well as all of the rest of the commandments. So if we're not supposed to be following shabbats, then where is this teaching coming from? Not from the Brit Hadashah (a.k.a. New Testament). This guy is supposed to be a teacher of the Word, yet we have spotted three areas that have gone against the word.

Continuing further. 10:5 "Therefore put away the vile leaven which hath waxed stale and sour and betake yourselves to the new leaven which is Jesus Christ." OOOOOO, we who are from the Jewish movement all know there is a problem with this one. The Orthodox Jews at their homes are probably trying not to fall out of their seats from laughter after reading this concept. This is because when the Bible refers to leaven, it is talking about sin. So this reads to us who are knowledgeable of Jewish custom "Therefore, put away the vile sin which hath waxed stale and sour and betake yourselves to the new sin which is Jesus Christ." I would pray none of my brethren take this seriously.

In 10:7 Ignatius states "It is monstrous to talk of Jesus Christ and to practice Judaism."
But Jesus Christ says "17"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven." So it is Ignatius who is teaching replacement Theology, and practicing heresy since he opposes the will of God. We note from the previous article that Paul never taught anything similar to this in Romans 9-11 which talks specifically about the grafting-in process. That is why I spent so much time covering it in depth. Ignatius would have done well to discern between the Torah and the halakah in his writings.

10:8 "For Christianity did not believe in Judaism, but Judaism in Christianity, wherein every tongue believed and was gathered together unto God." This is news to us, and would have been to Yeshua and his talmidim/disciples who were of the Nazarene sect of Judaism.

We can see already Ignatius is establishing the Greek Philosophy that has taken precedence over Jewish customs.

Now to the letters to the Philadelphians. 6"1-4 is of crucial importance. "But if anyone propound Judaism unto you, hear him not: for it is better to hear Christianity from a man who is circumcised than Judaism from one uncircumcised. But if either the one or the other speak not concerning Jesus Christ, I look on them as tombstones and graves of the dead, whereon are inscribed only the names of men. Shun ye therefore the wicked arts and plottings of the prince of this world, lest haply ye be crushed by his devices and wax weak in your love."

What does this sound like? It sounds like this is trying to write like Paul. The only problem is that Paul doesn't say this. We shall note from Romans 3:1-2 "1What advantage, then, is there in being a Jew, or what value is there in circumcision? 2Much in every way! First of all, they have been entrusted with the very words of God." So again we find an area where Ignatius opposes the Biblical teachings. Ignatius was trying to teach "uncircumcised" Gentiles who kept Torah and the circumcised Jews to not listen to one another essentially, though not intentionally being the likely case.

Now we move onto the Smyrnaeans. 6:9 which reads "because they allow not that the eucharist is the flesh of our Saviour Jesus Christ, which flesh suffered for our sins, and which the Father of his goodness raised up." Now what in the world is Ignatius talking about here? He is directly tying paganistic ideology into the Mashiach. He is teaching that the flesh of Yeshua is holy and this teaching can not distinguish between the nephesh or Ruach Hakodesh. This is seriously a drastic problem, and it is still taught in our Catholic masses on Saturday nights and Sunday mornings.

8:2-8:9 - "Do ye all follow your bishop, as Jesus Christ followed the Father, and the presbytery as the Apostles." STOP! What does Yeshua say about this to Jews? This directly opposes the teaching from Matthew 23:8-10 " 8"But you are not to be called 'Rabbi,' for you have only one Master and you are all brothers. 9And do not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. 10Nor are you to be called leader for you have one Leader, the Christ.[b] " We are not to follow the bishop in this manner according to Yeshua. We shall proceed
8:3 "and to the deacons pay respect as to God's commandment." Mentioned where in the Tanakh?
8:4 "Let no man do aught of things pertaining to the Church apart from the bishop." Sounds like the Jewish rabbis in the Orthodox community right? Think about this Jews next time you follow your Rabbis teachings, as you are doing the exact same thing as Catholics/Orthodox community does today. If you truly wish to not be associated with them, perhaps you should read Sid Roth's book "They Thought for Themselves" and see what thats all about.
8:5 "Let that be held a valid eucharist which is under the bishop or one to whom he shall have committed it. Wheresoever the bishop shall appear, there let the people be; even as where Jesus may be, there is the universal Church." This is the very first time that Catholic church is ever mentioned anywhere. It is not a Biblical term at all. It was first coined by a pagan. Think about this next time you want to talk about the "church." One should see and understand where this definition truly comes from before actually wishing to utilize the term. This has become the number one reason I am wary of utilizing the term myself.

8:8 "It is not lawful apart from the bishop either to baptize or to hold a love-feast; but whatsoever he shall approve, this is well-pleasing also to God;

So Ignatius teaches that the hierarchical system of man is to be venerated. This is nothing new under the sun for those who under the Talmud. Does not our calling come from God? Do we have any other leader but God? This is another anti-Biblical teaching. Jews might remember a similar teaching from the Talmud. In the Talmud it states that one can only obtain knowledge of the Torah if you go to a habbat house. Again, the Christian church is as far to the left as the Orthodox Jews are to the right. One may point out that this follows suit from Romans 13. See Roman authorities were not looked upon favorably by Jews. So in context it is more rightful that Paul is talking about those who interpret the Torah in the context of the writing, and not some bishop hierarchical system. This didn't exist until well after Paul's teachings. Again, pointing back to Yeshua's teachings in Matthew 23, this is very much opposed to what God had in mind.
1Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2"The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. 3So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. 4They tie up heavy loads and put them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.
5"Everything they do is done for men to see: They make their phylacteries[a] wide and the tassels on their garments long; 6they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; 7they love to be greeted in the marketplaces and to have men call them 'Rabbi.'
8"But you are not to be called 'Rabbi,' for you have only one Master and you are all brothers. 9And do not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. 10Nor are you to be called leader for you have one Leader the Christ.[b] 11The greatest among you will be your servant. 12For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
13"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.[c]
15"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are.

This same can be applied to the Greek Christian hierarchical system.

Furthermore, this chapter applies to Exodus 23:2 which states "you shall not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt you answer in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment."

Also read 2 Corinthians 2:8 "Not one of this world's leaders has understood it (wisdom of God Paul is speaking of); because if they had, they would not have executed the Lord from whom this glory flows."

It goes hand in hand with God's theocratic system of government and nothing more.

Further understanding context can be found when Ignatius talks to Polycarp.

6:1 "Give ye heed to the bishop that God also may give heed to you. I am devoted to those who are subject ot the bishop, the presbyters, the deacons."

First of all, where in scripture is any of this mentioned? Secondly, in context to what is being stated, Polycarp was resisting the Ishtar celebration of what has become Nicene Christianity. Polycarp made a trip to Rome to exhort the Church to continue observing Pesach in the light of Torah.

1 comment:

  1. Hello!
    You wrote: “ Yeshua promoted the teachings of Judaism. What does he state about those who do not follow the Torah? They should be considered least in the kingdom of heaven. ”

    [To differentiate,] The historical Mashiakh [“Messiah”] was a Ribi [similar to “Rabbi”] named Yehoshua. He taught his followers to keep the directives of the unchanging and eternal Torah - the Instruction Manual of the Creator. “The gospels” contains words that contradict the teachings of the historical Ribi Yehoshua and thus it is not reliable. His original [reconstructed] teachings are available on (the only authentic Netzarim-website). According to the Jewish Bible and to Ribi Yehoshua, those not doing their utmost to keep Torah non-selectively; will not be forgiven by the Creator in His loving kindness, and thus will not enter into the Realms of the Heavens.

    Relating to the Creator exactly in the same way as Ribi Yehoshua did – i.e. observing the Creators directives in the Torah – leads oneself into an intimate relationship with the Creator, which is very meaningful!

    Anders Branderud
