Friday, April 23, 2010

Why is this Blog necessary?

This blog is necessary for several reasons. I have mentioned one of them; the division between Christian and Jew, and a goal for unity. In Romans 10:12, it is stated "12For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him." The purpose this site has for the Jew it is to help them find the Messiah, and help reunite G-d's people with YHWH himself. One is inclined to ask, why is this site directed to the Christian? Well, its due to the fact that Yeshua was a Jew, and he practiced and promoted Jewish tradition that is not being practiced by today's Christian. It will be important for the Christian to understand these traditions and be sensitive to them while witnessing to the Jew. Beyond the traditions, its sad that the Christian today is not well equipped to follow, much less understand the 613 mitzvahs or rules in the Old Testament. Much of my writing will be devoted to helping the Christian understand the Old Testament and the importance it shared with the Jewish people, so that the Christian will be able to properly witness to the Jew without offending. The ultimate goal is for all to follow the Tanakh and Brit Chadashah (The Old and New Testament to the Christian) according to the way it was written.

I have a writing that will be up that addresses some crucial points for the Jew to understand. Later we will explore some crucial points for the Christian to understand within the upcoming days. Much of the writings to the Jew might seem a bit redundant to Christians, so I would ask for that party to bare with me.

Shabbat Shalom,


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